Pamela Anderson Asks Jackson Mayor To Go Vegan; Mayor Obliges













Well, this is fun bit of news.

In wake of Jackson being labelled as the ‘fattest city in America’, Pamela Anderson has written a letter to mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba, pleading him to lead by example and go vegan. In letter, Anderson writes:

“If you pledge to go vegan for a month, my friends at (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA) will supply a week’s worth of catered lunches for you and send every member of your staff a vegan starter kit so that you can encourage them to support and join you,”

Lumumba responded less than 24 hours later:

“I welcome the challenge of taking on better eating practices. I’m fine with becoming a vegan. I’ve done so in the past but am not presently under that commitment,” Mayor Lumumba said. “But I would challenge the governor, the speaker of the house and the lieutenant governor to join me.”

“I’ve never tried going vegan. I’ve eaten various vegan options over time, and I’ve found some of them to be enjoyable. So, it will be a sacrifice,” Lumumba said. “I’ve been a vegetarian before for a brief period, but longer than 30 days.”

“I extended the challenge to Gov. Bryant, speaker of the house and the lieutenant governor in hopes that we not only raise the profile of healthier lifestyles but also raise the profile and concern of lack of access to healthy eating. Many places in Jackson and many places in our State are considered food deserts, so it’s not only a matter of people’s willingness, but it’s about what’s available to them,” Lumumba said.