5 Edible Flowers With Incredible Health Benefits

The next time you take a look at a beautiful flower garden, keep in mind that flowers are more than just pretty. Many of our floral friends are not just edible – they are really good for you too.

That might come as a surprise but flowers can be surprisingly tasty while also a great source of nutrients and vitamins. Don’t get me wrong. One flower on this list isn’t going to give you all the nutrients you need to survive but they can be a nice touch to your salad or favorite buddha bowl.

In today’s blog post, I’m going to share with you five edible flowers that come with incredible health benefits:


The elderflower blossom is recognized for its powerful immune-boosting benefits. The flowers are high in antioxidants and have been used to treat common colds, sore throats and the flu.


Sprinkling cornflower petals on a dish does more than make it look beautiful – the naturally occurring elements are known for their ability to help you relax. For the most potent effect, try drying the blossoms and adding to your next tea blend.


Spicy and peppery, nasturtium flowers are very commonly used in cooking and can be eaten raw on salads and as garnishes on dishes. The bright flower blooms come from South America, where they were used to treat urinary tract infections and issues with kidneys. Folk medicine today recognizes them as a powerful antibiotic.


While it’s the leaves that contain the most health benefits (packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, manganese, potassium), the flowers are also edible and nutritious. The most popular traditional use of dandelion blooms is to create wine.


Perhaps one of the most widely used flowers in folk medicine, clover blooms have been thought to treat ailments like gout and rheumatism. Cooking the clover flower helps it to be more easily digested and using those with the brightest blooms assures they pack the most health benefits.